Dec 27, 2011

Kyle Schubert

Name: Kyle Schubert
Grade Year: Senior
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Majors(s): Management, Finance
Hometown: Dakota, IL
What’s the best thing about being a student at Columbia College: The flexibility of online courses, the very helpful advisors, and teachers that care and provide feedback.
How do you serve your community, your college, or your country?:  I help during the summer with various projects including my uncle’s farm and volunteering at a local cemetery for cleanup.  Also, I volunteer on occasion for the Friends of the Badger Trail group in Wisconsin.
If you could design a course at Columbia College for fun, what would it be called?: Underwater bird watching
What do you value most in life?: Family, church, work, and school.
Most people don’t know that… I will be starting MBA classes in January.
Where do you see yourself in ten years? How does a degree from Columbia College fit into those goals?: Possibly, I’d like to work in retail and corporate office work.
Who inspires you?: My sister. She, like I will do, finished her bachelor’s degree a semester early and found work quickly.
When you’re not studying or fulfilling other obligations, how do you spend your leisure time?: I like to bike, spend time with my college youth group, volunteer, and hang out with friends.