Aug 30, 2011


We have received an overwhelming response to our Scootergraphs campaign. THANK YOU to everyone who have participated so far. We love receiving photos everyday and seeing where Scooter has been!

To see the Scootergraphs we've received so far, view the following Scootergraphs Slideshow:

Have you submitted a Scootergraph? If not, take a photo with your Scooter cut out and submit it to, and we will add it to the Scootergraphs Photo Album. Please include your full name, class year, campus attended plus a short description of where the Scootergraph was taken.

Need a Scooter cut out? Request one from the Alumni Relations office by emailing with your name and postal address or calling (573) 875-ALUM (2586). You can also drop by the Alumni Relations office (St. Clair Hall, Room 11 - Main Campus) to pick one up.